Part 1: Neglector or Worshiper?

sunday Services

8:15am | **9:45am | 11:15am | **livestream available on Youtube & facebook

Jan. 09, 2022

God & Your Bod: Part 1 - Neglector or Worshiper?

Are you a body-neglector or body-worshiper? If you’re not sure, maybe this will help. If a fat gram is something you avoid, you may be a worshiper. If a fat gram is something you love, you may be a neglector. If you avoid caffeine, you may be a worshiper. If you add enough sugar and milk to your coffee to make it taste like a donut, you may be a neglector. If sit-ups are a part of your daily routine, you may be a worshiper. If a sit-up is just an unavoidable part of getting out of bed in the morning, you may be a neglector. Let’s figure out where we are on the spectrum and what to do about it.